
Webinar: Rastreamento exclusivo de partículas 3D revela tamanho e formato reais

Users of Dynamic Image Analysis benefit from short analysis times and high sample throughput. However, the images are snapshots, showing each particle in one of many possible perspectives, so the third dimension remains hidden. What works well enough for many routine applications such as sand, crushed rocks, or sugar, reaches its limits when materials of a certain predefined geometry need to be measured as precisely as possible in terms of real width, thickness, length, and shape.

To fully describe those particles, a video showing them in many different orientations is much more meaningful than a random photo. The resulting size distributions are as precise as a caliper measurement but run fully automatically with the new CAMSIZER 3D. Defective, undesired particles, contaminations. satellites, agglomerates, or fused granules can only be reliably detected with 3D measuring methods.

Join us for our live webinar to learn more about the how to measure true three-dimensional particle size.


  • Dynamic Image Analysis 2D vs. 3D
  • How to measure 3D particles with tracking technology
  • Simultaneous width, length, and thickness measurement
  • Finding defective particles with precise shape measurement

Apresentado por:

Gert Beckmann, gerente internacional de vendas e produtos de imagem na Microtrac Retsch GmbH, com mais de 20 anos de experiência em ciência de partículas e desenvolvimento de produtos

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