
Ultimate Pressure in Gas Adsorption Measurement How to achieve good ultimate pressure in the sample cell

It is becoming important to measure the adsorption isotherm under high vacuum conditions for micropore analysis and surface characterization. Currently, it is easy to achieve clean high vacuum by using a turbo molecular pump and other techniques. However, it is difficult to achieve good ultimate pressure in the sample cell for the volumetric method because the apparatus has a lot of pressure sensors, valves, tubes, and joints. The graph shows the difference of gas emission between the solenoid valve and pneumatic valve. Since the solenoid valve uses the rubber material for sealing, there is massive gas emission. BELSORP series uses a combination of pneumatic valves and high vacuum system, hence we have succeeded to lower the gas emission drastically. As a result, the accuracy of adsorption measurement at the very low-pressure region and the reliability of micropore analysis are improved.

Gas emission from valves

Gas emission from valves
Analysis of Particle Size Distribution - Resumo do Produto

A Microtrac oferece uma ampla linha de instrumentos para medição de adosrção de gases

Microtrac MRB Produtos & Contato